Delighted to have an editorial in the wonderful Drift Journal publication, issue 43. Thank you to Mercedes Smith of Fine Art Comms for the interview and beautiful words. For the full read online, follow the link here - DRIFT JOURNAL, 43 Or...
Annabel Davidson, jewellery editor to Vanity Fair, selects the 'ThunderBolt' chainmail ring by Corrinne Eira Evans as one of ten jewellers at Goldsmiths' Fair that most impressed her. Exhibiting at Goldsmiths' Fair for the third year in a row this...
Delighted to announce I will be exhibiting at Goldsmiths' Fair for the third year in a row this October.Attending in week two of the fair, 1st-6th October, head to their website to book your tickets -
'Maud & Mabel proudly present their latest showcase, 'Nothing Gold Can Stay', an exhibition honouring the transient beauty of nature. It brings together eight international contemporary artists who skilfully capture this essence using materials sourced from the earth.
In Vogue!!One of five selected by Vogue's Jewellery & Watch Director, Rachel Garrahan, as 'Best New Jewellers To See At Goldsmiths' Fair' !Read the blog and head over via the link to read Rachel's full article.
Mostly thought to be Medieval, chain based amor is actually thought to have been Celtic invention. Early examples dating back several hundred years B.C. Chainmail is a beautiful technique used to create jewellery, as it flows so elegantly with the body form.